Sale Order |
CIAA, Nutrien, Elders, Quality, |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
11 |
0 |
113 |
1 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
928 |
833 |
42 |
500 |
100 |
1 |
Sheep / Lambs |
NA |
Cattle |
NA |
27 Angus cows with CAF - Millah Murrah and Te Mania bloodlines running back with St Paul black Simmental bull
12x 1st calf cows - born 1st week November to mid December
5 x 2nd calf cows - born 2nd week of August to start of November
10 x 3rd calf cows - born 2nd week of August to start of November Calves at foot all sired by Millah Murrah Angus Bull.
From $2100
Located Barossa Goldfields *Option to buy Bull with mob. Videos available upon request.
PLATINUM Livestock
Jake Smedley: 0487 323 590
Sale Order |
Nutrien, Elders, Quality, CIAA, |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
689 |
309 |
54 |
450 |
60 |
0 |
Sheep / Lambs |
Demand was on for store lambs today with good x-bed store up around $150 – $160 and light trade only making a fraction more. Merino stores were much the same. Hoggets regained a little of last weeks losses. Not enough mutton to quote, processors tried to pull other markets but found another gear with outside competition. |
Cattle |
NA |
Sale Order |
Quality, CIAA, Nutrien, Elders, |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
2 |
0 |
34 |
2 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
949 |
482 |
80 |
778 |
10 |
29 |
Sheep / Lambs |
The Lamb market was erratic to start and settled down mid-way through the market. Hoggets were still in very strong demand. Mutton was a little up and down also. * Agents please not we are having a lot of issues with Ram Lambs and Hoggets in with good lambs. Your clients are being penalized for this. Can all Ram Lambs and Hoggets be drafted out prior to delivery to help our sale and get a better return for your clients. * |
Cattle |
NA |
Wanting to buy
Beef Cows, Dairy Cows or Bulls
on farm market prices
Please contact
Jake Smedley Ph: 0487 323 590
Sale Order |
CIAA, Nutrien, Elders, Quality, |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
9 |
0 |
5 |
1 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
980 |
285 |
37 |
651 |
10 |
8 |
Sheep / Lambs |
Market mainly firm on last week with the trade x-bred lambs to 5 – 10 dearer. Good merino lambs selling very well and hoggets still seeing good competition. Heavy mutton was also dearer and boner ewes firm to 5 cheaper. |
Cattle |
NA |
Sale Order |
Nutrien, Elders, Quality, CIAA |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
15 |
54 |
8 |
0 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
540 |
440 |
26 |
362 |
10 |
0 |
Sheep / Lambs |
Heavy Hoggets in
strong demand seeing 160 – 176 for grain fed hoggets. Lambs made there money
with well-presented lamb returning 5 – 10 better. Mutton was also in demand, a
solid start to the year. Not all processors were operating but were in
attendance. |
Cattle |
NA |
Sale Order |
Quality, Nutrien, CIAA, Elders, |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
0 |
0 |
24 |
0 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
560 |
0 |
40 |
396 |
10 |
0 |
Sheep / Lambs |
Lambs sold to dear rates, $10 – 15 better than last week. All processors operating in full. Store lambs selling well giving a great outcome for early next year. Solid market on all categories. |
Cattle |
NA |
Sale Order |
Nutrien, CIAA, Elders, Quality, |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
4 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
657 |
237 |
93 |
240 |
55 |
6 |
Sheep / Lambs |
The quality of yarding was better than the previous weeks. The sale was 5 – 10 better across the entire yarding. Those that fed their stock were well rewarded in the lamb and hogget sale. Mutton improved again. This will be my last sale report for the year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, Ben. |
Cattle |
NA |
Sale Order |
Elders, Quality, Nutrien, CIAA, |
Cows |
Calves |
Yearlings |
Bulls |
2 |
0 |
13 |
0 |
Crossbred Lambs |
Merino Lambs |
Hoggets |
Ewes/Mutton |
Sheep |
Rams |
821 |
70 |
59 |
921 |
0 |
4 |
Sheep / Lambs |
Todays yarding was very mixed with a few god lambs and some heavy hoggets. Heavy weighted lambs were in strong demand with very few presented. Hoggets and heavy mutton were in strong demand also. Well presented merino lambs were well up on previous sales. |
Cattle |
NA |