Sale Order | Nutrien, CIAA, Elders, Quality |
Crossbred Lambs | Merino Lambs | Hoggets | Ewes/Mutton | Sheep | Rams |
2027 | 198 | 90 | 403 | 20 | 0 |
Cows | Calves | Yearlings | Bulls |
0 | 0 | 13 | 0 |
Sheep / Lambs | A total end yarding of 2580 lambs - An Outstanding line up of heavy suckers from the EP & the Mid North were presented with prices ranging from $134 - $ 150/hd for the best of them. Older lambs were sold at a discount and varied in price from $114 - $134. Hoggetts sold to a large discount where as mutton was strong with the better sheep selling from $80 - $91. |
Cattle | To follow post market |
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