Sale Order | Quality, Nutrien, CIAA, Elders |
Crossbred Lambs | Merino Lambs | Hoggets | Ewes/Mutton | Sheep | Rams |
210 | 0 | 0 | 326 | 0 | 0 |
Cows | Calves | Yearlings | Bulls |
15 | 0 | 58 | 0 |
Sheep / Lambs | A very small yarding in total with CIAA yarding 260 lambs and 325 mutton. Heavy lamb again improved $5-$10 and mutton stayed firm on last week. |
Cattle | A very well-presented line of cattle from the YP and EP sold to better competition with a line of Charolais Heifers selling to 2.20kg to the trade. Heavy short horn cows sold to $1.60 and grown steers sold to $2.20. |
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